Prof. Dr. Şirin Şengel
- Administrative position: Dean
- Areas of Interest: Social Responsibility Design, Social Gender Equality, Text and Typography, Environmental Graphics, İznik Ceramics
- Phone extension: 1828
- AVESİS: https://avesis.ogu.edu.tr/sirinbenugur

Prof. Dr. Gülbin Özdamar Akarçay
- Administrative position: Department Head
- Areas of Interest: Visual Sociology, Visual Ethnography, Photography, Identity, Gender, New Media
- Phone extension: 1822
- AVESİS: https://avesis.ogu.edu.tr/goakarcay

Assist. Prof. Dr. Tezcan BAHAR
- Administrative position: Co-Head of Department
- Areas of Interest: Printmaking (Alternative Printmaking Techniques), Graphic Design, Exlibris Art, Fine Arts Education
- Phone Extension: 1827
- AVESİS: https://avesis.ogu.edu.tr/tezcan.bahar

Assoc. Prof. Bilge Kınam
- Areas of Interest: Graphic Design, Sustanaible Design, Social Responsibility Design, Experimental Typography,
- Phone extension: 1813
- AVESİS: https://avesis.ogu.edu.tr/bkinam

Assoc. Prof. Emel Yurtkulu
- Areas of Interest: Illustration
- Phone extension: 1817
- AVESİS: https://avesis.ogu.edu.tr/2293

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mine KÜÇÜK
- Administrative position: Vice Dean
- Areas of Interest: Education, Art Education, Graphic Education, Art and Design, Design Studies
- Phone Extension: 1819
- AVESİS: https://avesis.ogu.edu.tr/B0653

Asist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Sarıtaş
- Administrative position: Department Vice Chair
- Areas of Interest: Advertising
- Phone extension: 1824
- AVESİS: https://avesis.ogu.edu.tr/asaritas

Instr. Latif Koşu
- Areas of Interest: Sound Design, Video Processing, Cinema
- AVESİS: https://avesis.ogu.edu.tr/latifk

Instr. Dr. Tunçemre Doğramacı
- Administrative position: Department Vice Chair
- Areas of Interest: Animation, Cinema
- AVESİS: https://avesis.ogu.edu.tr/3776

Res. Assist. Serenay Anık Gök
- Phone extension: 1821
- AVESİS: https://avesis.ogu.edu.tr/serenay.anikgok

Res. Assist. Safa AKALAY
- Phone extension: 1816
- AVESİS: https://avesis.ogu.edu.tr/B0586