Doctor of Fine Arts
Update: December 15, 2018

Art and Design Graduate Programs are carried out under ESOGU Institute of Social Sciences Department of Art and Design. The programs offer two degree levels:  Master of Fine Arts (MFA) and Doctor of Fine Arts degrees (DFA). The purpose, goal and the scope of the DFA program is described below.
The outline of the purposes of the program is as follows:
  1. To train academicians in the fields of Art and Design
  2. To provide opportunities to the people who want to improve their knowledge and skills in the fields of Art and Design
  3. To constitute cooperation opportunities between the university and the industry/market
  4. To make contributions to the cultural development of the city
  5. To make a contribution in enhancing the education level of the society.
The primary purpose of our graduate program is to train academicians in the fields of Art and Design. The undergraduate degree in the field of Art and Design is generally considered as a terminal degree; later on, it is expected for the artists and the designers to make progress with their own skills and become professionals in the field. Nevertheless, some artists go for the MFA degree while very few artists and designers pursue a graduate level education at the doctoral level. With the doctoral degree, they become faculty members in universities. Hence, there is some difficulty in finding faculty members in universities that are located in the cities other than the metropolitan cities like Ankara, Istanbul, and Izmir. It is expected for the graduate programs in Art and Design fields that are opened in ESOGU to contribute in closing this gap.
The second purpose of our program is to provide opportunities to the people who want to improve their knowledge and skills in the fields of Art and Design. An MFA level education is helpful for people who completed their undergraduate education in the fields of art, design, and communication to have a say and implement professional productions in the national and the international arena. In this context, this MFA program in ESOGU provides a graduate education opportunity for proficiency in the fields of art, communication arts, and design. The DFA program takes this proficiency to a even higher level. The program aims to give the required practical skills and knowledge of the field in which they want to specialize through interaction of the students from different fields by means of its interdisciplinary structure.
The third purpose of our program is to create cooperation opportunities between the university and the industry/market. Department of Art and Design program aims to go beyond the separation between the fields of fine arts, design, and communication and go beyond the limits between the artists, designers, and researchers. The students are expected to produce their own art works independently (painting, drawing, sculpture, video, installation, performance, digital or web-based art, documented art interventions, artist books, or photos, etc.). In the design field, the students are expected to form the works they produce with a specific question and concept, and bring forward new, esthetical, and different solution proposals in accordance with the principles of design. With the thesis studies that are conducted within the program, opportunities of cooperation between the University and the industry/market are created, solutions are presented.
Another purpose of the program is to contribute to the cultural development of the city. The program has an interdisciplinary structure in the fields of art, design, and communication that follows-up the modern art and design developments in the world, and can reflect these into its education programs. Therefore, the program provides an education opportunity that gives a universal point of view to the students through its studio and design courses along with the theoretical courses. Art, science, technology, and design are fields that are in interaction with each other. The program has a strong structure that encompasses these fields. With its faculty members who come from different disciplines and academic fields of specialty, it will add young, dynamic, universal, and interdisciplinary value to this field. This value will further develop the existing vision of Eskisehir and turn the city into an important center in the fields of art and design. In this context, with its strong academic staff and qualified courses, the program aims to train individuals who have universal ideas and values, who are modern, creative, free, versatile, and who produce unique works in the city in the fields of art and design.
Program Outcomes
  1. Knowledge of the innovative research methods in art and design at the academic level and ability to improve them
  2. Advanced knowledge on the theories of art and design and related concepts to discuss with people and to guide them
  3. Ability to contribute to the development of practices and knowledge of the field with the methods of experimental, creative processes and innovative research
  4. Ability to share own unique art work and designs with public and to analyze the responses
  5. Ability to create unique art works, designs, and publications to be accepted by art, design and science authorities
  6. Ability to communicate own knowledge and opinion effectively with experts of the field in national and international conferences, symposiums, and panels; to manage and start discussions; and to develop ideas and methods
  7. Ability to realize art works and designs that will contribute to the advancement of art, design and culture
  8. Ability to use own academic skills in art and design to teach, supervise, and evaluate effectively
  9. Ability to plan and manage national and international art and design events or projects independently
  10. Ability to engage in activities to raise the public awareness about directive function of art and design; ability to contribute the process of raising the public awareness about introducing and protection of cultural properties
Branches in the Doctor of Fine Arts Program
The Art and Design DFA Graduate Program has been initiated with the Visual Communication Design and Visual Arts branches.  These branches correspond to the undergraduate departments within the Faculty of Art and Design of Eskisehir Osmangazi University. New Branches will be activated after the corresponding undergraduate departments get faculty members. The current branches in the program are as follows:
Visual Arts
Visual Communication Design
Fashion and Textile Design (not active yet)
Industrial Products Design (not active yet)
Student admission requirements to the DFA graduate program
The announcement regarding the students who will be accepted to the program is made by the Institute of Social Sciences before each semester. The rules below are given for general information purposes.
  1. Master’s Degree
To be able to directly start the suggested Doctor of Fine Arts graduate program, the candidates need a master’s degree in the indicated fields given below:
Visual Arts Art Major:
Visual Arts, Visual Communication Design, Painting, Sculpture, Ceramic, Traditional Turkish Arts, Art Education, Cinema TV, Communication, Photography, Video Art, Video and Photography
Visual Communication Design Art Major:
Visual Communication Design, Graphic, Animation, Cinema TV, Communication, Photography, Video Art, Video and Photography, Visual Arts, Visual Communication Design, Painting, Sculpture, Ceramic, Traditional Turkish Arts, Art Education
Applicants with a graduate degree in fields other than the ones that are given above  may be accepted with a condition that they take a year-long preparatory coursework.
Some honor students with an undergraduate degree in the fields listed above may be admitted to the program without a master’s degree.
  1. National Exam Scores
Generally, ALES and Foreign Language Exam scores are required for applying to the graduate programs as indicated in the ESOGU Graduate Regulations. As per the existing rules the lowest ALES score is determined as 55, and the lowest Foreign Language score is determined as 55. Because ALES score is not required in the departments that are in the Fine Arts or Conservatory fields as per the YOK Graduate frame regulations state, an Entrance Exam that will take the place of ALES is given for all candidates. The Entrance Exam score is evaluated like the ALES scores. Some part of the Entrance Exam consists of theoretical knowledge, some part of it consists of practical skills, and some part of consists of portfolio evaluation.  This exam is carried out by the Directorate of Art and Design Art Department. For the Foreign Language Exam, there is no minimum score; however, the foreign language score is added to the rating score calculation with a 25% weight.
  1. Undergraduate and graduate grade point averages
The lowest undergraduate grade point average (GPA) for applying to the DFA program from the undergraduate program is 3,00/4,00 or equivalent.  There is no lower limit of the GPA for the candidate’s master’s coursework. The GPA has 15% weight in the rating score calculation.
  1. Interview
Along with the Entrance Exam, the DFA applicants are interviewed. The previous work of the applicant, educational goals, near-future plans and motivation of the applicant is evaluated during the interview.
  1. Score Rating
Rating scores are determined for the candidates who applied for each of the departments. 50% of the Entrance Exam score, 15% of the undergraduate GPA, 15% of the Foreign Language score, and 20% of the interview score are taken and the rating score is determined. From the ordered list, the PRINCIPAL candidates as many as the announced quota are determined; the other candidates are listed as STAND-INs.
International Student Admission
The number of international students to be admitted to the program is also announced by the Institute of Social Sciences before each semester. The applications must be done by the applicant in person to the Institute of Social Sciences.  These applicants are exempted from the Entrance Examination and Foreign Language exams. The applications are evaluated by the respective departments.
Total number of credits and the compulsory and elective courses required for getting a DFA graduate degree
For a Doctor of Fine Arts graduate degree, (excluding the preparatory courses) 7 courses with 3 credits each, one seminar course and a thesis study (along with a specialized field course) are required. Two compulsory courses (Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics and New Cultural Forms) are included among these 7 courses.
All the courses that will be offered in the program—except for the abovementioned courses—are elective. The courses to be taken are determined with the approval of the advisor. Another elective course can be taken in place of the failed elective course.  It is also possible to take two courses from another university. The Graduate Courses that are opened under the Department of Art and Design are listed below. All the courses have the equivalent 7,5 ECTS credits and 3 local credits.
Curse Code Course Tıtle Local
Courses Offered
514401010 NEW CULTURAL FORMS (required) 3 7,5
514401011 DESIGN STUDIO 3 7,5
514401012 IMAGES STUDIO 3 7,5
514401015 DESIGN AND GENDER 3 7,5
514402025 NEW TRENDS IN ART STUDIO 3 7,5
514402019 SEMINAR (noncredit, required, taken in the last semester of the coursework) 0 7,5
514411801 PROFICIENCY IN ART (taken in the semester of the comprehensive exam) 0 30
514411900 SPECIALIZATION FIELD COURSE (taken during the thesis work) 0 5
514411700 ART THESIS (taken during the thesis work)                       0 25
The faculty members participating in the graduate program

- Prof. Dr. Şirin ŞENGEL (Dean) (Social Responsibility Design, Gender Equality, Lettering and Typography, Environmental Graphics, İznik Tiles)

- Prof. Düriye KOZLU İSMAİLOĞLU (Nature and Art, Painting)

- Prof. F. Deniz KORKMAZ (Head of Visual Arts Department) (Visual Arts, Art Theories and Analysis of Artwork)

- Prof. Dr. Gülbin ÖZDAMAR AKARÇAY (Visual Sociology, Visual Ethnography, Photography, Identity, Gender, New Media)

- Assoc.Prof. Serenay ŞAHİN (Sculpture, Installation) (Head of the Main Art Branch)

- Assoc.Prof.  N. Müge SELÇUK (Picture, Video)

- Assoc.Prof. Dr. Elif AVCI KOŞU (Digital Art, Technology Integration in Art Education, Visual Research Methods)

- Assoc.Prof. Bilge KINAM (Assistant Dean) (Graphic, Sustainable Design, Social Responsibility Design)

- Assoc. Prof. Emel YURTKULU YILMAZ (Head of Visual Communication Design Department) (Illustration, Graphics)

- Asist. Prof. Tezcan BAHAR (Printpainting (Alternative Printmaking Techniques), Graphic Design, Exlibris Art, Fine Arts Education)

- Asist.Prof.Dr. Mine KÜÇÜK (Education, Art Education, Graphic Education, Art and Design, Design Studies)